The Ninjala Tournament Begins!
The theme for Season 1 is ninja of all kinds!
In Ninjala, you'll find a colorful collection of ninja avatars
and a wide range of clothing and accessories.
Mix and match as you like to create a ninja fashion all your own!
Earn Jala with a Ninjala Pass!
With a Ninjala Pass, you'll earn limited-edition avatar items
and Jala just by progressing in the game!
Use the Jala you earn to shop for even more exciting items!

Introducing Gum Weapons!
You can craft gum weapons using Ninja-Gum!
Twelve types of gum weapons will be introduced in Season 1!
Find your favorite, then head to the Gumball Machine and get
Ninja-Gum to customize its look.

Battle in Style with Emotes and Stickers!
Ninjala offers even more ways to lend your own personal touch to battles!
Choose from a wide range of emotes and stickers to communicate in battle.
Use Gum Utsusemi to throw opponents off your trail, and score an IPPON in style with IPPON decorations.
Combine emotes and stickers to create a ninja style that's all your own!

A Story Mode for Solo Play
Season 1 will also see the release of Chapter 1 of the Ninjala Story Pack, additional content that you can play offline and on your own!
The protagonist of the first chapter is Van, a young ninja who loves basketball.
Enjoy the story told in a stylish graphic novel style!
And there's more!
Play through and complete your objectives, and you'll get a limited-edition avatar. There's no end of fun to be had!